Frequently Asked Questions...

Q. When are you going to give Legend a little brother or sister?
A. That ship has sailed. I am officially part of the "one and done" club.

Q. How did you come up with the name Legend?
A. I wanted him to have a strong, unique, meaningful name. After deciding that naming him "King" might make him just a little pompus, we went with Legend.

Q. Legend's toys, pacifier, and clothes are always coordinated, is this done on purpose?
A. Yes!

Q. Can he really read?
A. Yes, Legend can read. He is however, limited to the words I have taught him. We used the My Baby Can Read system.

Q. How did you teach him so many words?
A. I started signing with Legend, when he was 8 months old. As we demonstrated and used each sign, we always said the corresponding word. As he became more adept at signing, he also began to say the words.

Q. How do you like being a mom?
A. It's really, really, really (no seriously), hard but, I love it.

Q. When do you find time to blog?
A. Most of the time, I blog from my phone, when Legend is taking his nap. We nap together and this keeps me busy, while he locks my arm in the usual vice grip.