Berrie... Legend's Lesser Known Brother...

Seeing my two little boys together, today reminded me of an oversight, in this blog. How could I possibly have a blog about Legend and forget to mention his best friend/brother, Berrie? Berrie became part of our family, just two weeks after Legend was born. He was brought all the way from Kentucky, when Mimi came to visit and we instantly fell in love.

Berrie is always there when Legend needs him. The pair have faced many bouts with immunizations, learned to sleep in their own room, and, have kept each other company, during both long and short trips. Berrie reassures Legend, when he is anxious and gives him just a bit more confidence, when trying something new. He has been an invaluable member of our family and we love him.

Berrie was born a multiple, so I am always looking for his brothers and sisters. Disaster could strike at any time and it would be nice to know there was.someone else to step in for our Berrie.


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