Foul Stalling Tactics at Bedtime...

Legend licking the crib...
6:40pm - Mommy puts Legend in his crib for bedtime.
6:40pm - Legend whines, cries, sings, talks, and finally yells, "poop."
6:51pm - Mommy checks Legend and discovers that he has, in fact, made
                "poop." She moves on and changes his diaper.
7:01pm - Mommy puts Legend in his crib, for the second time.
7:03pm - Legend cries, yells, throws things over the side of the crib, attempts to
              climb out of the crib, licks the crib, and yells, "poop."
7:18pm - Mommy checks Legend and, again, he has made "poop."
7:28pm - Mommy puts Legend in his crib and whispers, "if you use your POD
              (Poop on Demand) powers again, you'll be sleeping in it until morning."
              Legend smiles.
7:40pm - Legend tosses and turns but finally falls asleep.

Please, somebody, anybody, tell me that it gets easier! All I can say is that, after an hour of going back and forth, with Muffin, I am thoroughly pooped. <---- Get it... lol... Well, it made me chuckle....
posted from Bloggeroid


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